We Make

Early access to We Make

Our founding makers now have early access to the We Make site to post work and provide feedback.

We have been working a long time to get here and we’re grateful to be moving forward together! At the same time, we recognize that we have a lot of growth ahead of us.

Some things to keep in mind

This early access version is a work in progress so it has some rough spots and could have some bugs. Also, it’s light on features but we look forward to adding so much more over time with feedback from the community.

Your Maker Map account info will get you signed in. If you’re not yet registered you can request early access.

We’re starting with images only. And, at the very beginning, it’s just one image per post. We look forward to expanding that soon.

A post can have a title, a description and tags. Or none of those. However, including them will help make the post more discoverable later.

You can post as much previous work as you’d like. We Make is as much an archive as it is an active record of work. Also, we’re building tools to take advantage of all posted work independent of the post date.

Instead of Likes, we have Appreciations. And, the number of engagements per post is only visible to the maker behind the post.

We’ve expanded our list of crafts! Many crafts will stay the same but if you are in the Metalworking, Textiles, or Woodworking crafts you’ll find a more detailed list of options to post into. These are all based on input from the community but if you’re not finding what you expected, let us know.

Maker Map is still an important part of what we’re doing. It’s moved to staging.sourcesofignition.com/makermap and the makermap.com domain will redirect there.

Every post you make is displayed on your page and in the home feed of those following you. It’s also displayed in the uncurated feed of the craft you post into. If the post is curated, it will appear in the selected craft’s main (curated) feed and in the collection feeds you selected when posting.

At the very beginning, curation will be handled internally but we look forward to having makers from each craft step in to serve in shifts as curators. We’ll be establishing an application process for curators and making that available soon.

We’re not sending out emails from the site yet but you can set your notification preferences in your profile. (That means that initially we won’t notify you if you get an appreciation or a comment to a post. We’ll be updating this soon.)

Have an issue or a question?

Let’s use the comments below as a place for questions and feedback on the workings of the site for now. You can also write to us with additional thoughts and questions.

We’re grateful to be building this with you all!

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